Tam Le - Professional Activities

Professional Services

Area Chair (Meta-Reviewer) / Senior Program Committee

  • AC, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML): 2024

  • AC, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS): 2024

  • AC, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR): 2024

  • Meta-reviewer, Machine Learning Journal (MLJ): 2022-2024

  • AC, Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML): 2022-2024

  • SPC, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI): 2021-2022

Program Committee / Journal Reviewer

  • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML): 2015, 2019-2023

  • Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS/NIPS): 2015, 2019-2024

  • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS): 2020-2023

  • International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR): 2020-2023

  • Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR): 2020-2021, 2023

  • Discrete and Computational Geometry Journal (DCG): 2021

  • Machine Learning Journal (MLJ): 2017-2019

  • Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI): 2021-2022

  • International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI): 2018-2020

  • AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI): 2020-2024

  • Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR): 2021

  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Journal (DMKD): 2016-2017

  • Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML): 2013-2019

Member of Organizing Team

Visitors / ISM Joint-Research

Teaching Assistant

Kyoto University (for M.Sc. program)

  • 2015, Perspective in Informatics, Informatics Seminar.

  • 2013, Large Scale Optimization and Machine Learning, Marco Cuturi.

  • 2013, Pattern Recognition: Advances, Marco Cuturi.

  • 2013, Statistical Machine Learning, Marco Cuturi & Akihiro Yamamoto.

John von Neumann Institute (JVN) (for M.Sc. program)

  • 2012, Introduction to Linear Systems, Giuseppe Calafiore - Politecnico di Torino, Italy.

  • 2011, Introduction to Linear Systems, Giuseppe Calafiore - Politecnico di Torino, Italy.

University of Science, VNU-HCMC (for B.Sc. program) (Selected)

  • 2012, Machine Learning, Marco Cuturi - Kyoto University, Japan.

  • 2012, Game Theory, Multi-agents and social algorithm, Thuc Vu - Google Inc, USA.

  • 2011, Optimization Models for Engineering, Laurent El Ghaoui - University of California, Berkeley, USA.


Summer Schools


  • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML): 2015, 2018-2023.

  • Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS/NIPS): 2014, 2017-2023.

  • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS): 2019-2024.

  • International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR): 2020-2022.

  • Conference on Learning Theory (COLT): 2018, 2020-2021.

  • Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC): 2021.

  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR): 2021.

  • ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT): 2021.

  • Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL): 2020.
