Tam Le - Code & Datasets

  • Generalized Sobolev Transport (GST). (ICML 2024)

    • A scalable variant of Orlicz-Wasserstein (OW) for probability measures supported on a graph metric space (i.e., several-order faster than OW for computation, which paves a way to apply OW for practical applications).

    • Decoupling the Sobolev Transport (AISTATS 2022) with the Lp geometric structure, and leveraging Orlicz geometry to derive the GST.

  • Random-Path Sliced-Wasserstein. (ICML 2024)

    • An efficient variant of sliced-Wasserstein (SW) by leveraging random-path projection directions.

    • Implemented by Khai Nguyen.

  • Scalable Robust Optimal Transport. (AISTATS 2024)

    • A scalable max-min robust optimal transport (OT) for measures with noisy tree metric.

    • Robust OT approach for the counterpart tree-Wasserstein (NeurIPS 2019) for measures supported on a tree metric space.

  • Unbalanced Sobolev Transport (UST). (AISTATS 2023)

    • A scalable variant of unbalanced optimal transport for measures supported on a graph metric space.

    • (i) closed-form expression for fast computation; (ii) negative definite metric which allows to build positive definite kernels.

    • Note 1: The standard (Balanced) Sobolev Transport (AISTATS 2022) is a special case of UST (when input measures have the same mass).

    • Note 2: A variant distance of Entropy Partial Transport (AISTATS 2021) is a special case of UST (when input measures are supported on a tree metric space and UST with length measure and its order is equal to one).

  • Sobolev Transport (ST). (AISTATS 2022)

    • A scalable variant of optimal transport for probability measures supported on a graph metric space.

    • (i) closed-form expression for fast computation; (ii) negative definite metric which allows to build positive definite kernels.

    • Note: Tree Wasserstein (NeurIPS 2019) is a special case of ST (when input measures are supported in a tree metric space).

  • Entropy Partial Transport with Tree Metric. (AISTATS 2021)

    • The first closed-form solution of optimal transport problem for unbalanced measures.

    • An unbalanced version of Tree-(Sliced)-Wasserstein for probability measures with different total mass.

    • A valid positive definite kernel for persistence diagrams (which can have different numbers of topological features, e.g., connected components, rings).

  • LSMI-Sinkhorn. (ECML-PKDD 2021)

    • Implemented by Yanbin Liu and Makoto Yamada.

  • Tree-(Sliced)-Wasserstein Distances. (NeurIPS 2019)

    • A valid positive-definite Wasserstein Kernel for Persistence Diagrams.

    • A generalized version for the Sliced-Wasserstein (SW), i.e., a tree is a chain.

    • Closed-form expression of optimal transport (OT) for measures supported on a tree metric space.


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