Tam Le (PhD, 2016)

Tam Le 

Assistant Professor, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM)
Department of Advanced Data Science
Research Center for Statistical Machine Learning

Concurrent affiliation:
Visiting Scientist, Functional Analytic Learning Team, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (RIKEN AIP).
Assistant Professor, The Graduate School for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI).

Research: Machine Learning, Optimal Transport

I have been working on theory, methodology, and application of learning with large-scale, complex data and models from mathematical perspectives. More concretely, my recent research includes:

  • Theory: optimal transport theory for measures with graph structure, with functional geometric structure; and for variational Wasserstein problems.

  • Methodology: scalability, robustness, and efficiency of optimal transport for learning with measures in machine learning and deep learning, including deep generative model, diffusion model, data valuation for LLM pretraining.

  • Application: for domains with large-scale, complex structure data, including non-Euclidean, high-dimension, dynamic, nonlinearity, corruption.

I would love to expand my research spectrum to more interesting and impactful (related) research problems.


10-3 Midori-cho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-8562, Japan
Email: tam[at]ism.ac.jp (or lttam.vn[at]gmail.com)
Room: A506B. Access to ISM

My CV is here - Updated March, 2025.



I received my Ph.D in 01/2016 from Kyoto University, Japan, supervised by Marco Cuturi and Akihiro Yamamoto. I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Nagoya Institute of Technology & National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, mentored by Ichiro Takeuchi between 02/2016 and 08/2017. I then worked as a post-doctoral researcher between 09/2017 and 07/2021, and later as a research scientist between 08/2021 and 08/2022 at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (RIKEN AIP), mentored by Makoto Yamada. From 09/2022, I have been working as an assistant professor at The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM), and I have concurrently been a visiting scientist at RIKEN AIP, working in Functional Analytic Learning Team led by Minh Ha Quang from 12/2022.

Selected Service

  • Area chair: ICML, ICLR, AISTATS

  • Program committee: NeurIPS

  • Reviewer: JMLR